Beiträge von stpanig


    What is the difference between the 2 functions you mentioned?

    By cruise control you mean the fixed speed independent of whether a car is infront or not (No adaptive)?

    What i tend to do many times is to de-activate the steering assist after activating the pro-pilot.


    guys do you all have to accept terms on the infotainment system everytime the car starts? It is a little bit annoying.

    I think it is coming from Nissan connect but not sure?

    Any advice there?



    I have a friend with jeep Renegade and was saying that they don't have this either. Not sure how to translate the EU regulation or whether this is a Japan thing ...but without technical justification this is really stupidity.

    Do you think that's these functions could be enabled potentially through OBD2, i thought was offering more monitoring of messages and sensor data rather than changing parameters of the vehicle.


    Thanks for confirming this.

    i like the phrase ....Pioneers of not having this feature :) (in their view less is more).

    I found documents of the regulation proposal from 2013..but seems to be active for all new after 2015-16.

    Not sure what the regulators are truly thinking on this, as the cases of car hijacking or unauthorized access in traffic must be far greater than someone forgetting someone at the car while the car is in use.


    Have a good day.


    I bought for my T32 an OBD plug from Ali 😊

    On my new T33 i didn’t found the OBD Connector til now 🫣 so I can’t check the functionality of this plug with the t33

    Can't see the connection with the thread my friend. Do you think you could check the auto door locking with OBD?

    BTW I think the OBD is hidden at a box at the bottom left corner below the steering wheel There is a small plastic cover you need to remove. Let us know if you manage to connect would be interesting to see.


    Hello Guys,

    Quick question , i cannot find anywhere on the menu or manuals any option to automatically lock the doors when i start driving.

    This was a standard feature at all my previous cars.Is it an option at all without pressing manually the lock button? Any feedback is welcome.

